Paid parking in Józsefváros: even for locals

In our previous blog, we wrote about how they are changing the Parking conditions in Budapest the new zoning systems. Since then, the representative body of józsefváros decided to amend the rules on free public parking. Under the previous rules, each resident of Yózsefváros was allowed to park two cars on the street, but that is about to change. az utcán, azonban ez mostantól megváltozik.

A 100 százalékos támogatást 80 százalékra csökkentik az első autó esetén, a második autónál pedig ez 50 százalékos csökkentést is jelenthet, a díjak mértékét az új zónarendszerekkel egységes szerkezetben határozzák meg. További változást jelent majd az is, hogy nem lakosonként, hanem lakásonként lehet majd a parkolási engedélyeket igényelni.

Fizetős parkolás Józsefvárosban: még a helyieknek is

Paid parking in Józsefváros: even for locals

The municipality expects that making parking in the district free for all will reduce the use of parking spaces, making more free spaces available for residents and workers, reducing air pollution and improving quality of life. In addition, an extra 300 million forints in revenue is expected as a result of the new regulation.   

Optimal use of parking spaces is indeed a major problem in modern cities, but these types of measures do not necessarily target the source of the problem. As a local resident, it is necessary to find new, alternative solutions for car parking, but this does not necessarily affect daytime traffic.

A Yourparking smart parking blockers allows for a more optimal use of existing parking spaces, thanks to the possibility of sharing a parking space between several users per day. Rent or share your private parking space while you are away from home, not only to make the best use of your parking space, but also to ensure that no one is standing in your space when you get home!

