Our mission

Tired of not being able to find a parking space in the city centre? Can't even park in your own space because someone keeps leaving their car there?

Imagine all that stress rolling off your shoulders!

With our parking blockers, we have created the future of smart parking. We've developed devices that you can install in seconds and operate from your mobile phone.

In fact! Now you can not only protect your parking space from intruders. With our mobile app, you can even rent it out to other drivers while you're not using it - at the time and rate you set.

YourParking, the future of smart parking!

Our team

Dr. Fülöp Zoltán

Managing Director - CEO

I come from a business background, and I am currently teaching Strategic and Economic subjects at Corvinus University of Budapest. I also bring together this strong team to continuously improve the user experience of our products and services.

Kukorelli Kristóf

Chief Operating Officer - COO

I have a wide range of experience in both the private and public sectors, which enables me to manage the day-to-day operations of a company in an efficient and flexible manner and ensure customer satisfaction.

Our story

The history of YourParking goes back further. We were working on a completely different project that required a lot of administration. In the meantime, we kept running into the problem we all know so well: we were finding it hard to find a parking space, and a lot of time was wasted looking for one.

While hunting for parking spaces, we saw a number of loading bays where parking was prohibited, as well as simple padlocked parking spaces that were open all the time. Then the idea came that these could be managed much more efficiently. It occurred to us that these spaces could be used, even for short periods, without compromising their original function.

This led us to start designing and testing the rugged device that would best fit into any environment. YourParking's parking blocker and app.


Interested in the future of parking?
Contact us!

Contact us to find out more about smart parking and YourParking parking blocking tools!
