YourParking parkolásgátló az előtérben, parkoló autól a háttérben, autók, akik parkolóhelyet keresnek

How much time and energy do we spend on parking on average? How can we reduce this?

People with cars park, and they park a lot. According to one study, cars spend on average 95% of their lifetime stationary, running an average of just 72 minutes a day. But it makes a difference how, under what conditions and at what cost we park our cars.

What are the costs associated with parking?

Parking fees

The most obvious is the parking fee itself. If you are not parking at home, you typically leave your car on the street, in a P+R car park or in a car park, which usually comes at a cost in an urban environment. In Budapest, hourly on-street parking charges can cost between 200, 300, 450 and 600 HUF, depending on the zone. Another option is to rent a parking space. There is a relatively wide range of car parks in Budapest, with prices depending on the location of the car park and the services provided, but you can rent a parking space in a closed space in the capital for between €60 000 and €120 000 per month.

YourParking parkolásgátló az előtérben, parkoló autól a háttérben, autók, akik parkolóhelyet keresnek
What are the costs associated with parking?

Time taken to find a parking space


On more congested stretches of the city centre, a lot of time can be wasted looking for a parking space. A study in California found that the average time spent looking for a parking space was 14 minutes, while in a survey from Abu Dhabi, almost half of those looking for a parking space said they occasionally spent more than 15 minutes looking for a parking space. If you park outside your home only once a working day, you could spend more than 5 hours a month looking for a parking space instead of spending that time doing something else.



If we drive slowly, in low gear, stopping and restarting frequently, manoeuvring, our car will typically not be at its optimum consumption level. Cars' consumption figures are most ideal between 50 and 80 km/h, above which they consume more fuel. Uneven, frequently changing low speeds can also cause increased consumption, which can vary depending on the type of car, road and tyre conditions.

Possible surcharges


If you accidentally miss a parking zone, or the time limit for payment, or your parking expires, you will be fined. The amount depends on the service provider, but in Budapest it varies from district to district, typically between HUF 10 000 and HUF 15 000.

Bumps and bruises


Parking in tight spaces is not always easy for everyone. Sometimes we get our car pulled over or we damage someone else's car. The costs in such cases depend to a large extent on the extent of the damage caused or suffered.



Although difficult to quantify, stress can have a serious impact on our lives. Manoeuvring in tight spaces, lack of parking space, searching for a long time, a possible fine or a fender bender are all factors that can increase our stress levels, which can indirectly affect our lives.

How can we reduce these costs?


Planning, as in many cases, plays a key role here. But how can we plan our parking wisely? The best way is to have a secure parking space that can be booked by appointment. This is where YourParking's smart parking solution can help. Using YourParking parking sensors is convenient. With the app, you can find the nearest free YourParking parking space, book it for a specific time and park. This avoids the stress of searching for a parking space and the associated stress and increased consumption. The app allows you to open and close the parking lock without having to get out of the car.

If you have your own YourParking parking device, you can also rent out your parking space when you are not parked there. Surveys show that commuters' cars spend around 10 hours in the work car park, during which time the home car park is unused. If you're wondering how you can save money on parking, or even make money from your parking space, check out the benefits of YourParking's smart parking solutions.

