Milyen esetben és hová érdemes okos parkolóeszközt telepíteni? Parkoló autók felülnézetből.

When and where should you install a smart parking device?

When and where should you install a smart parking device?

Cities are becoming increasingly congested and parking spaces are limited. This situation provides an ideal platform for the proliferation of smart parking devices that can make everyday life much easier. But where exactly should these devices be installed and when are they the optimal solution?

The primary role of parking enforcement is to prevent unauthorised parking. Intelligent parking enforcement adds convenience features and can help to optimise the allocation of parking spaces among those who are allowed to park.

But what kind of smart parking blockers are there?


Sensors installed in parking spaces indicate in real time if a space is free or occupied. This information can help drivers find parking spaces quickly. However, this alone will not prevent unauthorised parking.

Camera systems

Modern camera technologies can detect free parking spaces and monitor the occupancy of parking areas. They also recognise the number plates and use them to open up the parking area to authorised users.


The barriers are usually combined with some kind of sensor-based camera system that recognises the number plate and allows authorised users to enter the car park. This solution typically provides larger car parks, but does not provide smart parking space allocation within the car park.

Smart parking blockers

Smart parking blockers are parking prevention devices that physically prevent unauthorised parking in space or time, can do this on a per-space basis and can be controlled from a smartphone via an app. What makes YourParking's smart parking sensors stand out is that they allow you to rent out your parking space, either for money or for free, to others while you are elsewhere with your vehicle.

Optimal locations for installing smart parking devices

When installing smart parking devices, several factors need to be taken into account to ensure that the system works effectively and delivers real value to the community. This requires an assessment of the objectives we want to meet.

If the aim is to physically restrict unauthorised parking, then queuing solutions and parking barriers can be a solution. If you want to allow more vehicles into a larger area, barrier solutions may also be an option. These are usually combined with sensors, cameras or apps. If you want to regulate the number of parking space holders per parking space, or if you want to make money from your parking space, you should use parking barriers combined with a mobile app.

Milyen esetben és hová érdemes okos parkolóeszközt telepíteni? Parkoló autók felülnézetből.

Where should smart parking solutions with barriers be used?

Barrier solutions should be used in places where a large number of cars flow into a large parking area. This can be the case in shopping centres and large shops. Car parks of larger public institutions, such as hospitals, where patients and doctors often encounter parking difficulties. Parking lots at major transport hubs and stations. Car parks, P+R car parks. Large venues for events, where it is important to be able to accommodate a large number of cars in the car park, but leave the choice of space to the parkers.

Where should you use smart parking blockers?

In city centres, traffic is heavy and parking is limited. They are therefore ideal locations for smart parking barriers. Here, smart parking solutions can help reduce traffic and shorten the time it takes to find a parking space.

A good option for installing smart parking sensors is to have parking spaces where only certain groups can park, such as disabled people, VIP guests, or spaces for electric cars and charging stations. Ideal places are guest parking spaces in office buildings or workplace parking spaces that can only be occupied above a certain position. Smart parking sensors can also be ideal for smaller workplace car parks.

It can be a good solution for rental properties, hotels, hotels parking lots, where there is a frequent turnover of parking attendants. In this case, it can be an advantage not to give the remote control device to each guest, but to have them download an app.

It can be particularly useful for delivering goods outside shops, for example. These parking spaces are typically only used by suppliers at certain times of the year, when it is important to avoid unauthorised parking. However, during free periods, it is good if other people can use the empty spaces.

The introduction of smart parking solutions offers the opportunity to manage limited parking spaces in cities more efficiently, reducing congestion and the associated stress, time spent looking for parking and extra consumption. Smart parking technologies not only save time, but also reduce environmental pressures, contributing to a more sustainable future.
